
The Contingency Contracting Force (CCF) mission is to support the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF), Supporting Establishment (SE), Special Operations Forces, and Joint and Supported Coalition Forces by planning and obtaining supplies and services from non-organic sources through associated contract support integration, contracting support and contractor management functions.
The CCF is organized and structured to execute Operational Contract Support (OCS) functions at all levels of support.  OCS is a logistics capability that must be planned and integrated across all combat functions and operational phases. Contracting expertise is essential to planning, coordination and integration of OCS.  Officers and enlisted members of the CCF have the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) of 3006 (OCS Officer) and 3044 (OCS Specialist), respectively.  The CCF trains in the garrison environment to fill operational billets throughout the Marine Corps as either OCS advisors (i.e. to plan, synchronize, integrate and facilitate contracted support) or contracting officers (KOs) (i.e. to plan and execute the contracting support function).  Although contracting support is the core function of the OCS capability, it cannot operate in isolation without the other associated functions of OCS, contract support integration and contractor management.  The CCF is trained to execute OCS capability through career progression in contracting to support all three functions of OCS.

CCF is not an initial entry MOS.  The CCF is comprised of enlisted Marines who have been accepted for a 3044 MOS lateral move and 3002 MOS Supply Officers selected on the Commandant’s Career Level Education Board (CCLEB) to attend the Naval Post Graduate School (NPS) in the Contract Management Curriculum for the 3006 MOS.  Marines who attain the 3044 MOS and 3006 MOS will fill professional acquisition coded billets as OCS Advisors or as KOs.

Operational Contract Support (OCS) Specialist.  An enlisted Marine assigned the primary MOS (PMOS) of 3044.  This MOS is attained upon graduation from Air Force Contracting School.

CCF OCS Specialist Lateral Move Screening Process
Enlisted Marines who lateral move into the MOS of 3044 are initially assigned MOS 3000.  After successful completion of the Air Force Contracting School, the 3044 MOS shall be assigned.  The following prerequisites must be met in order to be considered for a CCF lateral move:

a.  Must possess a general technical score of 110 or higher on the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery Test.

b.  Must be a Sergeant with 1 year or less time-in-grade. Grades above the rank of Sergeant shall not be waived.  The grade of Sergeant may be waived for Corporals by the OccField Manager/Sponsor.

c.  Must not have any felony convictions by a court-martial or civilian court.  Marines must also not have any non-judicial punishments in current grade and have never received non-judicial punishment for dereliction in the performance of duties, larceny, misappropriation of government funds or property, or financial irresponsibility.

d.  Must be a Tier 1 or 2 reenlistment category and submit letters of recommendation from their current Officer in Charge and Staff Non-Commissioned Officer to the endorsing official.

e.  Must have a minimum of 36 months of obligated service upon completion of OJT and assignment of MOS 3044.  Marines must request an extension of obligated service in order to comply.

f.  Must be able to use Marine Corps standard office software suite, and basic office machines and systems.

g. Must have excellent written and oral communication skills.

h.  Must meet eligibility criteria for secret security clearance.

i.  Must be interviewed and endorsed by the senior 3006 or 3044, Gunnery Sergeant or above, from a MCFCS office.  Marines that are deployed or remotely located must coordinate with the nearest MCFCS office for an interview.

j.  Must be screened and recommended by an OCS Specialist Screening Board (OCS-SSB).

Marine Corps Installations West