
No funds may be transferred outside of the Marine Corps without a specific documented review by the Contracting Office, the requiring activity's Comptroller Office and Legal.

Assisted Acquisition:  A contract awarded or a task or delivery order placed on behalf of the Marine Corps by an official outside of the Marine Corps. (Example: funds MIPR'd to the Department of Interior in order to provide environmental services).


The approval thresholds set forth in the Marine Acquisition Procedures Supplement are as follows:

Dollar Amount Assisting Agency Approval Authority Reference
> Micro-Purchase threshold - $5M DoD Agency Contracting Officer DFARS 217.500(b); FAR 17.500; NMCARS 5217.503(c)(i)(A) & (B)
> $5M DoD Agency ADC, I&L (Contracts) SES NMCARS 5217.503(c)(i)(A) & (B)
> Micro-purchase threshold - $50M Non-DoD Agency ADC, I&L (Contracts) SES NMCARS 5217.503(c)(i)(B) & 5217.7802
> $50M - $500M Non-DoD Agency DASN (ALM) NMCARS 5217.7802
> $500M Non-DoD Agency ASN (RDA NMCARS 5217.7802


Dollar Amount Assisting Agency Approval Authority Reference
< SAT Non-DoD Agency Comptroller-Approve ASN (FM&C) memo MIPR or NAVCOMPT of Jan 2007 Form (No Foramal D&F)
> SAT Non-DoD Agency Contracting Officer NMCARS 5217.7802 (c)(i)(A) & (B)
> $5M - $50M Non-DoD Agency ADC, I&L (Contracts) SES NMCARS 5217.7802
> $50M - $500M Non-DoD Agency DASN (ALM) NMCARS 5217.7802
> $500M Non-DoD Agency ASN (RDA NMCARS 5217.7802
Marine Corps Installations West