Equal Opportunity Advisor
Gunnery Sergeant Donovan SalterGreen
Marine Corps Base, Marine Corps Installation-West
Office: (760) 725-5742
Cell: (760) 468-3002
Building 13131
Command Inspector General's Office
P.O. Box 555010
Camp Pendleton, CA 92055-5010
Equal Opportunity Advisor MCAS Miramar
Staff Sergeant Austin C. Gaekle
Office: 858-307-1269 Cell: 858-864-3472
Location: Building 2273 (same building as NMCRS and MCCS)
Equal Opportunity Advisor Marine Corps Air Station Yuma
Gunnery Sergeant Cory R. Albert
cory.albert@usmc.mil Comm: 928-269-2529 DSN: 269-2529
Cell: 928-509-9285
Bldg 1030 Office of the Station Inspector
MCO 5354.1G Prohibited Activities and Conduct Prevention and Response
The Marine Corps is built on the trust and teamwork shared between individual Marines and their leaders. Inherent in this trust is the understanding that fair, scrupulous, and unbiased treatment is the Marine Corps leadership standard. In keeping with this leadership philosophy, equal opportunity will be applied in every command policy, action, and program. The responsibility for accomplishing equal opportunity is not dependent on authority or solely the function of any special staff officer. Rather, all Marines are expected to promote camaraderie among individuals, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin by setting an example of unprejudiced actions and identifying unfair practices to higher authority via the chain of command.
Unlawful discriminatory practices within the Marine Corps are counterproductive and unacceptable. Discrimination undermines morale, reduces combat readiness, and prevents maximum utilization and development of the Marine Corps’ most vital asset, its “people”.