
Marine Corps Installations West


These reports are compiled by the Marine Corps. The results of courts martial conducted are updated monthly.

The purpose of military law is to promote justice, to assist in maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces, to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the military establishment, and thereby to strengthen the national security of the United States. The agencies through which military jurisdiction is exercised include courts-martial for the trial of offenses against military law.

Western Judicial Circuit -  Court Room Dockets

Monthly Court Martial Results - Judge Advocate Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps

Media inquiries pertaining to a case should be directed to the appropriate Communication Strategy & Operations Office (COMMSTRAT) listed below:

MCI-West/MCB Camp Pendleton: (760) 763-2760 - email:
I Marine Expeditionary Force: (760) 763-7047 - email:
1st Marine Division:  (760) 725-1129/5528 - email:
1st Marine Logistics Group (760) 763-0755
3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (858) 577- 7843 - email:
MCRD, San Diego: (619) 524-8724/8720
MCAS, Miramar: (858) 577-6000
MCAGCC, Twentynine Palms: (760) 830-3760
MCAS, Yuma: (928) 269-3612/2275

The most recent edition of the Manual for Courts Martial can be found at: Manual for Courts Martial

Marine Corps Installations West