
Mission, Vision, Values

Marine Corps Installations West
Serving West Coast Installations

Marine Corps Installations West integrates installation management and support efforts to the critical requirements of the Fleet Marine ForceĀ and supporting establishment while building resiliency, improving quality of life, and protecting our installations in order to enable force generation, modernization, employment and power projection of I MEF.

Marine Corps Installations West will provide Operating Forces and tenant commands with the highest quality of continuous, effective service and support to satisfy present and anticipate future joint and expeditionary warfare requirements.

Our values signify the highest attainable degree of mission accomplishment throughout the Marine Corps Installations West region. Carrying out our mission with our values in mind will ensure we progress toward becoming the organization we envision.

These values are:


Operating Forces and Supporting Establishment voice a high level of satisfaction in the level of support they receive from the regional command.


An organization of Marines, sailors and civilian Marines who value performance and effectiveness above personal interests, who are focused on improving every process by delivering increased levels of support at reduced cost.

Marine Corps Installations West